Student Quotes

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Teacher Quotes

“The Victoria [theatre] trip has to be the highlight, with children saying things like, “It was awesome, Miss.” “The dancers are so clever. I could never do that!” “I want to be a ballet dancer now.” “Can we go to that theatre again please?” Many of the children didn’t even know The Grand Theatre existed and I couldn’t find any that had been to a ballet before, so in terms of broadening their horizons, it was invaluable.”
Teacher; Leeds East Academy, on the theatre visit

“The performance was a fantastic opportunity for the pupils, particularly those who speak English as a second language because they were able to follow the story just as well as those who are native English speakers. It meant the performance was completely inclusive for our students.”
Teacher; Leeds East Academy, on the theatre visit

“Overall – Teachers have benefitted from working with other professionals and seeing how they use their skills. Teaching is always at its best when it is outward looking, but teachers don’t always have the time or opportunity to look outside their own classrooms, so to be given these opportunities in school is a real benefit.”
Teacher; Leeds East Academy

“Pupils’ confidence in expressing themselves grew massively, resulting in an excellent performance. Well planned and delivered”
Teacher; Castleford Academy

“There are a number of students here today who have only ever experienced dance at Castleford Academy. Today has given them a real taste of the pathways that they could follow in the arts and allowed them to experience what it would feel like to work within the industry”
Teacher; Castleford Academy, on the residency experience.

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